The terms you and user as used herein refer to all individuals and / or entities accessing Website. In case you seek any clarifications regarding the terms stated hereunder you may correspond with the Company at the address mentioned under the ‘Contact Us’ page of the Website.

  1. By using this website, you declare and agree that you have the full power and authority to make and enter into a transaction with Website, or that you are over 18 years of age and are legally competent to enter into an agreement.
  2. By using the account access service in the Websites, you authorize the Company and its agents to access third party sites, including that of banks and other payment gateways, designated by them or on their behalf for retrieving requested information.
  3. Website / Company may collect personal information covering your name, address, gender, age, religion, race, nationality, work, occupation, interests, marital status, children, family, travel, hobbies, credit card type, bank, addresses and names of friends and associates directly from you.
  4. Each registration is for a single user only. The Company does not permit you to share your user name and password with any other person nor with multiple users on a network.
  5. The user information we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the website, the choices you make and the products and features you use. The User Information is used for authentication and account access.
  6. We may use your personal information for analysis of data, usage trends and to evaluate and improve our site, marketing research, preventing of frauds. In our efforts to continually improve our product and service offerings, we collect and analyze demographic and profile data about our users’ activity on our website
  7. We aim to protect your personal information through a system of organizational and technical security measures. We have implemented appropriate internal control measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process.
  8. The collected information is purely for the use of conducting the transaction or for marketing purposes. This includes sending you emails, SMS. We may share this information with our marketing partners and consultants for the purpose of making special offers to you as a customer of Company.
  9. The service or product will be available to the users only in case of filling the required information correctly during the registration process. Company uses this information for future reference, communication and facilitating other services with ease.